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Attempts to steal cargo on the move in the Moscow region (A-108, 3rd concrete line)

19 November 2020

According to information from IMPACT partners, in the period from November 10-13 along the A-108 highway (3rd concrete road), several cases of opening the cargo compartments of vehicles while driving (the method is also known as "acrobats") were noted.

In particular, several incidents with cargoes "food", "household appliances", "tobacco products" were noted on the section between the settlements of Alenino and Pesyane, Kirzhachsky district, Vladimir region. There were also cases of penetration into semi-trailers and theft of cargo at the Balabanovo-Cherikovo section, Zhukovsky district, Kaluga region. All of these incidents occurred in the evening hours between 17.30-19.00 and 23.00-01.00, when visibility is limited due to the approaching twilight or lack of lighting on some sections of the route. Based on the timing of the incidents and the nature of the attacks, there is an assumption that the perpetrators operate in several mobile teams, as shown in the diagram (attached).

IMPACT experts recommend that carriers, when instructing drivers, pay attention to increased safety measures when passing these sections of the routes. When attacking on the move from the rear of the semitrailer, drivers are advised, without interfering with other road users, to take measures to free themselves from the "hook". To do this, moving in your own lane, first slow down, then sharply increase the speed. To attract attention, turn on the hazard warning light and sound signals. If the traffic situation permits, without violating traffic rules, make a "zigzag" maneuver. If necessary, repeat the maneuver several times, and without stopping, continue driving with the emergency signaling on to the nearest suitable stopping point or stationary traffic police post. In the parking lot, check the condition and integrity of the trailer locking mechanisms and seals. If a shortage is found, inform the dispatcher and contact the Police.

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