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An example of using IMPACT in practice

29 April 2022

Colleagues, good afternoon. We would like to share an interesting case with which yesterday
faced by our partners when using the IMPACT service, preventing damage from the implementation of a fraud scheme using a "gullible" driver.

Flight Vidnoe - Ryazan, cargo "metal products", cargo value 1.500.000
rubles, the expected download date is April 28. There were
a vehicle owned by the owner was provided. Driver
carrier previously fell into the field of view of forwarding
companies and made the following flights: carried cardboard, supports, personal
hygiene and food, etc.

The driver passed all the security checks, as there are no
prerequisites to prevent him from flying.

However, the IMPACT team recorded that a few years earlier with
this individual was associated with an incident with the complete loss of cargo under the scheme
"gullible driver": unloading at the direction of an unknown person in
violation of special rules of law, and, surprisingly, with
similar cargo in almost the same price category.

This incident had no consequences for the driver in terms of
legislation, subsequently he simply changed his place of work.

In the context of a shortage of personnel, carriers do not always take a responsible approach to
recruitment, or do not have the opportunity to properly check
personnel for involvement in such incidents.
On the eve of the holidays, we recorded a sharp increase in crime activity
in various directions, so we recommend using all kinds of
tools, including IMPACT, to reduce risks.

We are ready to share all the details and details if necessary with
interested market participants.

A tool for minimizing asset losses during transportation
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