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Large fraudulent series in Moscow and Moscow region, Tver and Kaluga

06 July 2021

According to IMPAKT, in the period from 28.06 to 02.07 an organized criminal group committed a series of thefts of highly liquid and expensive cargo of large manufacturers in Moscow, Moscow, Tver and Kaluga regions. In all episodes, the drivers presented legal documents during the loading process. According to preliminary information, thefts were committed in 3 vehicles. At the moment, IMPACT has detailed information on the following episodes of theft:
June 28, Golitsino, Moscow region - alcoholic beverages, 4,000,000 rubles.
June 29, settlement Reshetnikovo - Kemerovo, building materials, 2,500,000 rubles.
June 30, Kaluga - Kemerovo, building materials, 2.500.000 rubles.
June 30, Kryokshino settlement - Lermontov, alcohol, 3.500.000 rubles.
02.07, p. Kryokshino - Perm, alcohol, 3.500.000 rubles.
02.07, Tver - Rostov-on-Don, tires, 4,000,000 rubles.
Information on these and other incidents is being clarified. There may be other victims among shippers and transport companies.

If your company has become a victim of fraudsters, has information on these episodes or wants to receive details about the participants, please send your message to or contact us by phone +8 800 201 6409.

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