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TAPA Annual Cargo Theft Report

23 April 2021

Dear partners and participants!
According to the annual report of TARA, Russia took the 3rd place in the number of thefts of goods, overtaking the traditional leaders in this area - the Netherlands, Italy and Spain. According to the report, criminal activity in Europe has declined due to coronavirus restrictions. Despite this, the total amount of damage from theft of goods increased and amounted to a record 172,000,000 euros, which is 35% higher than a year earlier. The total number of incidents reported in 2020 decreased by 24% to 6,463 compared to 2019 (8,548). Food and beverage (8.2%), Tobacco products (6.2%), Household appliances and household items, Clothing and footwear, Cosmetics and hygiene products, car parts, construction materials are still among the leaders in terms of cargo categories. and equipment. As before, theft from cars while parked (56.3%) remains the main method of theft in Europe. This is followed by assault on drivers, fraud and robbery. IMPACT, being a TAPA partner and exchanging data on incidents, continues to monitor criminal trends and inform its members.

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