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Theft of cargo in Moscow and the Moscow region. On August 05, 2021 in Moscow a vehicle with a carrying capacity of 20 tons was loaded on the Moscow-Kazan route with a "plastic" cargo with an approximate cost of 2,000,000 rubles. The person who introduced himself as the driver presented…
On July 09, 2021, in the village of Kryokshino, Moscow Region, a vehicle with a carrying capacity of 20 tons was loaded on the route Kryokshino - Volgograd with a load of "household chemicals" with an approximate cost of 1.500.000 rubles. The cargo did not arrive at its destination, its…
According to IMPAKT, in the period from 28.06 to 02.07 an organized criminal group committed a series of thefts of highly liquid and expensive cargo of large manufacturers in Moscow, Moscow, Tver and Kaluga regions. In all episodes, the drivers presented legal documents during the loading process.…
23 июня 2021 года в г. Электросталь Московской области была произведена загрузка транспортного средства грузоподъёмностью 20 тонн грузом «строительные материалы», стоимостью ориентировочно 2.000.000 рублей. Лицо, представившееся водителем предъявило на погрузке фальсифицированные документы.…
Уважаемые коллеги и партнёры! 9 июня 2021 г. в Доме Совета Профессионалов по цепям поставок состоялась совместная конференция ИМПАКТ и Совета Профессионалов «Безопасность грузоперевозок – 2021. Риски и решения для грузоотправителей». Конференция прошла в смешанном, гибридном формате, где…
On May 20, 2021, in the Moscow region, a vehicle with a carrying capacity of 20 tons was loaded (the nature of the cargo and the cost are being specified), the vehicle did not arrive at its destination - the cargo was stolen in full. On May 21, 2021, in the city of Balashikha, Moscow Region, the…
Dear colleagues and partners! We are pleased to announce that on June 9, 2021, under the auspices of the Council of Supply Chain Professionals and with the participation of IMPACT, the first specialized security event will be held, which will address the most pressing issues related to the current…
Colleagues, we apologize for a technical error. The event in the Netherlands took place on May 19, 2021.
On May 9, 2021, near the city of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, a robbery attack was committed on a car carrying a cargo of precious metals and stones, accompanied by a chase and firefight between the attackers and the police. According to information received via TAPA EMEA channels, a group of masked…
On May 11, 2021, in the Moscow region, a vehicle with a carrying capacity of 10 tons was loaded with a load of "automobile tires" (the cost has not been established), the vehicle did not arrive at its destination - the cargo was stolen in full. On May 12, 2021, in the Moscow region, the…
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